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Nutrition for Oakley
The following nutritional protocols are for specific conditions using Pharmaceutical Grade Formularies. By going to Emerson Ecologics and typing in the access code you will receive 20% off of any of the thousands of high quality nutritional products.
• NUTRITION 101 (the minimum to stay healthy)

Osteoporosis requires an increase in calcium to build new bone. Osteoporosis is extremely common in our society affecting both men and women. In order for this bone to heal properly it needs reduced mechanical stress (often improved with chiropractic), proper nutrition and the right amount of exercise.
Cal Matrix from Metagenics is a complete bone food containing microcrystalline hydroxyapatite concentrate (MCHC), a whole bone extract that provides, in addition to well absorbed calcium, many other minerals in the normal physiological proportions found in raw bone. Also present are proteins and other vital factors found in the organic portion of bone that are supportive of a healthy skeleton. Its quality and crystalline structure is verified by x-ray diffraction analysis and is guaranteed free of heavy metals and toxins.
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Type in Access Code: DrRick
LifeStyle Health & Fitness Tips
Limit: Milk Products, Carbonated Drinks, Coffee, Alcohol, Sugar, Regular/Diet Sodas, Grains, Bread, Pasta, Crackers, Cereal, Margarine, Butter, Vegetable Oils, Red Meat.
Increase:9-13 servings fruits and vegetables per day, 70% raw see Nutrition 101
Exercise: Weight bearing exercise is necessary to build strong bone (note if you condition is advanced consult with a doctor).
Control Your Emotions: Go to “Your Treatment” tab at top of page. Click on “Think Well”
Google: Alkaline Diet List

One or more common causes of muscle problems is improper utilization of minerals (minerals control the contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue). Muscle cramps, spasms or pain can be caused by insufficient supplies of magnesium or calcium. In order for this tissue to heal properly it needs reduced mechanical stress (often improved with chiropractic), proper nutrition and the right amount of exercise.
MyoCalm from Metagenics contains bio-available forms of calcium (lactate) and magnesium (citrate) blended with extracts of passion flower and valerian root (herbs) with strong histories of muscular relaxation.
MAG CITRATE from Metagenics provides magnesium with calcium. Magnesium is well-known for its essential role in muscle relaxation and with a superb blend of synergistic nutritional factors enhance its effectiveness.
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Type in Access Code: DrRick
LifeStyle Health & Fitness Tips
Limit: Whole Milk Products, Carbonated Drinks, Coffee, Alcohol, Sugar, Regular/Diet Sodas, Grains, Bread, Pasta, Crackers, Cereal, Margarine, Butter, Vegetable Oils, Red Meat.
Increase: 9-13 servings fruits and vegetables per day, 70% raw see NUTRITION 101. Most beneficial are green leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables and carrots. Also good are seeds, almonds and non-fat organic dairy products.
Light Exercise: Best to combine aerobic with light resistance exercise 15 minutes each, per day within a pain range.
Control Your Emotions: Go to “Your Treatment” tab at top of page. Click on “Think Well”
Google: Alkaline Diet List

Connective tissue is a tough and highly flexible tissue which holds the joints of your body together. This tissue is largely made up of collagen. In order for this tissue to heal properly it needs reduced mechanical stress (often improved with chiropractic), proper nutrition and the right amount of exercise. These tissues can only absorb nutrients passively, meaning they require motion such as mild stretching or exercise to create a “sponge” like effect, pumping nutrients in and waste products out.
Collagenics Intensive Care from Metagenics The synthesis of connective tissue during normal growth or after an injury involves numerous enzymes, minerals, vitamins and amino acids. Collagenics IC provides many of these in a unique formula which also includes glucosamine sulfate and the antioxidant bioflavonoid proanthocyanidis. Collagenics IC also contains the SOD micronutrient induction complex. This advanced, patented mineral delivery system is designed to provide bio-available nutrients for the necessary function of enzyme superoxide dismutase.
MAG CITRATE from Metagenics provides magnesium with calcium. Magnesium is well-known for its essential role in muscle relaxation and with a superb blend of synergistic nutritional factors enhance its effectiveness.
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Type in Access Code: DrRick
LifeStyle Health & Fitness Tips
Limit: Milk Products, Carbonated Drinks, Coffee, Alcohol, Sugar, Regular/Diet Sodas, Grains, Bread, Pasta, Crackers, Cereal, Margarine, Butter, Vegetable Oils, Red Meat.
Increase:9-13 servings fruits and vegetables per day, 70% raw see NUTRITION 101.
Light Exercise: Best to combine stretching with light resistance aerobic exercise 15 minutes each, per day within a pain range.
Control Your Emotions: Go to “Your Treatment” tab at top of page. Click on “Think Well”
Google: Alkaline Diet List

The Nerves of your body are an incredibly complex network of electrical wires that carry information to every part of the body to the brain and back. Nerve function is absolutely essential for proper health and function. With nerve injury there can be a blockage such as carpal tunnel syndrome, a pinched nerve in the neck or back or a chemical imbalance. You need B complex, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride and other nutrients for proper healing and function.
MyoCalm from Metagenics contains bio-available forms of calcium (lactate) and magnesium (citrate) blended with extracts of passion flower and valerian root (herbs) with strong histories of muscular relaxation.
Gluco Factors from Metagenics is a yeast-free formula that provides concentrates of specialized proteins associated with the stomach, duodenum and liver (key organs in blood sugar and stress response), a specially balanced ratio of B-complex, vitamins and vitamin C. B-complex vitamins are actively involved with breakdown and metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and facilitate the function of your neuro-hormonal system. Significant improvement is seen with “overstressed” patients who take this formula.
Intrinsi B12/Folate by Metagenics. Vitamin B12 and folic acid play important roles in the synthesis of DNA and therefore the growth and function of all cells of the body. Intrinsi B12/Folate combines these nutrients with intrinsic factor (a glucoprotien which may enhance absorption).
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Type in Access Code: DrRick
LifeStyle Health & Fitness Tips
Control Your Emotions: Go to “Your Treatment” tab at top of page. Click on “Think Well”
Limit: Milk Products, Carbonated Drinks, Coffee, Alcohol, Sugar, Regular/Diet Sodas, Grains, Bread, Pasta, Crackers, Cereal, Margarine, Butter, Vegetable Oils, Red Meat.
Increase:9-13 servings fruits and vegetables per day, 70% raw see NUTRITION 101.
Light Exercise: Best to combine stretching with light resistance aerobic exercise 15 minutes each, per day within a pain range.
Google: Alkaline Diet List
We tell our patients that in order to be healthy you only need to do 3 things correctly:

- Move Well. That means exercise and you should exercise at least 3-5 times per week for twenty minutes. Sometimes the body doesn’t move correctly and that is where chiropractic comes in.
- Think Well. This does not mean to concentrate harder, rather the opposite. Instead relax, chill, learn to meditate or use prayer, then get quiet and ask your higher self for answers… then wait silently without thinking for 15 minutes per day. See the tab Think Well under Your Treatment at the top of the page.
- Eat Well. Eating for your genetic code is simple. We are hunters and gatherers. Hunters eat wild meat. Gatherers eat fruits and vegetables. Both drink water. Anything else is outside your genetic code and will stress the body.
If you want to stay healthy reading labels is simple. First does it contain meat? This usually reads something like “chicken”. Next does it contain vegetables? This usually reads something like “carrots”. Last does it contain fruit… you see where we are going! If it contains any other words that are not a meat, fruit or vegetable it does not belong in you. Simple as that!
Most people don’t get enough fruits and vegetables to stay healthy. An adult’s diet should include 9-13 servings of raw fruits and vegetables per day. When people don’t get enough fruits and vegetables they are told to take vitamins to make up for the difference, but synthetic vitamins don’t prevent illness as well as whole foods.
In a good quality multivitamin there are about 30-40 nutrients in high doses. In an apple there are more than 10,000 nutrients in small amounts. Which one do you think your body prefers? Research has shown that high dosages of vitamins do not do what fruits and vegetables do to prevent illness, except in rare cases.
Now the obvious question must be… If I am not eating enough fruits and vegetables how can I make up the difference? One answer is Juice Plus. Juice Plus is concentrated raw fruits and vegetables in capsules (10 servings) for less than the cost of a cup of coffee. It is also the most Independent University based Researched Supplement in the world. (please note that although I am not a distributor for Juice Plus, I am an advocate)
The following is the nutritional supplementation that I advise to stay healthy. If you are eating plenty of fruit, but not enough veggies supplement with (greens) G.F.S.-2000 Capsules 270 caps instead of Juice Plus.
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LifeStyle Health & Fitness Tips
Increase Fruits and Vegetables: First, get enough fruits and vegetables in your body 9-13 servings fruits and vegetables per day, 70% raw. If you are not going to eat them purchase them in capsules or a chewable form. Choose grass fed or wild meats, eggs and organic when you can.
Take Fish Oil: We recommend Nordic Naturals because they are pharmaceutical grade and I don’t burp fish!
Vitamin D: Vitamin D3, 1000-2000 IU per day, especially during the cloudy season because the body makes D3 when you are in the sunlight.
Meditate: Go to “Your Treatment” tab at top of page. Click on “Think Well”
Limit: Milk Products, Carbonated Drinks, Coffee, Alcohol, Sugar, Regular/Diet Sodas, Grains, Bread, Pasta, Crackers, Cereal, Margarine, Butter, Vegetable Oils and Red Meat.
Exercise: Best to combine resistance with aerobic exercise 20-30 minutes per day.
Google: Alkaline Diet List
To schedule an appointment, call our Oakley clinic today.